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A multi-academy trust (MAT) is a single organisation which establishes and pursues strategic collaboration across a number of academies to maintain and improve educational standards and student outcomes. A MAT is accountable for the performance of every academy in its organisation.

WHMAT Governance Structure ensures there are clear reporting lines and explicit requirements to ensure probity, good governance and outstanding performance.

The MAT governance structure consists of Members and Trustees with the Board of Trustees responsible for deciding the governance structure and the delegated powers of the MAT. The Articles of Association set out what the Board can delegate and to whom as well as the constitution of the Board.

Members are akin to shareholders of a company and have overall control of the MAT with the ability to appoint some trustees and amend the MAT’s Articles of Association.  

Trustees are subject to both company and charity law. The Board of Trustees determines the scheme of delegation, ensuring all governance functions are undertaken through delegated board committees. The Board of Trustees have three core functions of governance:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of WHMAT academies and their young people, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing and ensuring effective financial performance

Academy level governance is delegated to an Academy Trust Advocate Board by the trustees through the scheme of delegation and committee terms of reference.


Page Downloads Date  
Washwood Heath MAT Articles of Association 15th Jul 2021 Download
Washwood Heath MAT Master Funding Agreement 15th Jul 2021 Download
Washwood Heath MAT Governance Arrangments and Register of Interests 17th Jun 2024 Download
Washwood Heath MAT Governance Structure 23rd Apr 2024 Download
Washwood Heath MAT Scheme of Delegation 08th Nov 2023 Download
Washwood Heath MAT Meeting Attendance 2022-23 04th Aug 2023 Download